Tips for Keeping Skin Smooth This Winter -
smooth skin care

Tips for Keeping Skin Smooth This Winter

Rough skin in winter is a classic that so many cannot avoid. With the harsh temperatures, wind, lack of sun and vitamin D, and the dry air from heating sources, it makes sense that it can feel like your skin is holding on for dear life.

However, it does not have to be this way – not completely. While the skin will naturally change texture and have a more coarse element to it in the colder months, there are some things that you can do to tackle the worst of it.

This piece is going to take a look at some top tips for keeping your skin smooth this winter, so read on to get silky.

Focus On Moisture

While this is perhaps the most obvious trick in the book for getting smooth skin, how and when you do it can make a dramatic difference to the results. First of all, swap out your light summer moisturizer for something much more heavier. If you can’t get away with that in the daytime, then be sure to use a light cream in the day and then apply a thick layer at night.

Another top tip for keeping that moisture locked in is to use an oil or occlusive over the top. Vaseline or Aquaphor can work well in locking in your moisturizer, so the water stays trapped on your skin rather than evaporating. Serums can also work well for this and can offer added benefits!

Focus on Exfoliation

Exfoliation is essential for keeping your skin smooth, although it can be seriously counterproductive if you exfoliate too much. Make sure you are using products that are suited to your skin type and that you are only using them one to two times a week.

This helps get rid of the dead skin layer on top and can also unblock pores and remove other impurities.

Blocked pores on legs (also known as strawberry legs) can become much worse in winter, being wrapped up under layers. If they bother you, then a wax or other deep-route hair removal can help get rid of dead skin and other clogged impurities.

Head over to to choose a hair removal treatment that suits you and get that skin glowing!

Stay Hydrated

It can feel particularly difficult to stay hydrated in winter sometimes. It is already freezing, and there is no summer sun around blazing down on us to make us reach for the water bottle. However, if you want to keep your skin smooth this winter, it needs to be hydrated.

Teas and hot squash do count towards your recommended water intake, so fill up on warm liquids if that helps you get it down. However, no, coffee doesn’t count – sorry!

Keeping your skin hydrated and happy is key to its health, the benefits of doing so include it becoming smoother and more supple. Don’t forget to keep eating a diet of healthy variety in between the leftover Christmas biscuits for an extra boost!

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