Florida Man February 22 - Jacksonville Man Arrested For Tasering Children - mommy-madness.com
Florida Man February 22

Florida Man February 22 – Jacksonville Man Arrested For Tasering Children

Florida Man February 22 – Man Arrested For Tasering Children In Day Care

On Florida man February 22 a man was arrested after sneaking into a daycare, and began tasing the other children whilst the carers were not looking.

The Florida man was posing as a visitor who was enquiring about signing his two children up to the play group, and was attending a short tour before the manager was asked to take a call quickly. The Florida man, who was left alone for a short period of time, proceeded to enter the 2-5 year old area, and tased all of the children one by one before running from the building.

Police were called shortly after, as the care workers discovered all of the children unconscious on the ground, with three medical emergencies amongst the group as two of the children were left with permanent spinal injuries. 

The Florida man was caught full face on camera, and was detained shortly after. The man is known as Robert Jared, a long-term sufferer of psychosis and schizophrenia, and could not initially recall the event. 

When we caught up with Robert, he told us “It was a voice in my head, telling me that all of the children inside that particular daycare were bound by some electromagnetic field, and to get back to their families they needed 10,000 volts”. “What I did was done with the best of intentions, I wanted to save their lives”. 

Robert is currently serving a 28 day isolation, with forced medication to break his psychosis, before he will be put under house arrest for 12 months.


Florida Man February 22 – Man Arrested For Swat Call

On Florida man February 22 a Florida man was arrested for calling a swat team on his ex-favorite game streamer, leading to the streamer being held at gunpoint live on his stream.

For those who are not familiar with swatting, it is when a streamer’s address is compromised and someone calls the police with fake sensitive information on the streamer, aiming to get the streamer shot live on their stream. 

Swat teams arrived at the streamers location on February 22, and quickly held the streamer up live to his 13,000 viewers. A twitch user ‘Demonstratehatred6969yeet’ commented live saying “that’s for not replying to any of my comments’ ‘, and thankfully another twitch user saw the comment and traced the man’s IP address, sending this off to the police immediately.

The twitch user was quickly arrested and is currently on trial for several offenses, and is expected to serve between 9 & 12 years as an example to others who may think of doing the same. The maximum sentence if any harm is brought to the streamer is life. 


Florida Man February 22 – Bitcoin Billionaire Robbery

On Florida man February 22 a bitcoin billionaire was robbed via his binance account, after logging in on a public unsecured network to show his friends his fortune. 

The bitcoin billionaire held 62,000 bitcoin in one account, and 37,000 in another, with the latter being emptied and used to purchase apple gift cards, an untraceable purchase and scam.For context, at the time of writing, 34,400 bitcoin equals 1 billion dollars. 

The scammers were not caught, and the bitcoin billionaire has reportedly cashed in several hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin, to futureproof himself in case of further hacks and scams. 


Final Florida Man February 22 Thoughts

Well, a psycho, a mad stream hater and a billionaire who’d had better days. Florida man February 22 is sure a hazardous day to be living in the sunny state of Florida. Have you checked out what Florida man has done on your birthday? If it’s not a date we have covered, please let us know in the comments below.

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